Bruriah Mission Statement
Bruriah is dedicated to enriching the lives of our students, supporting their personal development and inspiring them to lead meaningful Torah lives. Bruriah students achieve excellence in limudei kodesh, general studies and middot in a warm and caring environment.
Through formal and informal educational experiences, Bruriah promotes personal and academic growth in Torah and all areas, supporting and challenging each student to excel at her level. By fostering a love of learning and personal connection, our students develop an appreciation of Torah and halacha, as we explore and model real-world applications of our timeless values.
Bruriah instills students with the confidence they need to achieve their dreams and become leaders in life. Bruriah graduates are prepared to embrace the opportunities of today’s world and confront its spiritual and professional challenges. Bruriah is committed to maintaining a safe and wholesome community shaped by Torah values.
The development of proper middot is a core value of the Bruriah experience. This is expressed through humility and temperance in speech, lifestyle, and conduct as well as through the appreciation, respect and understanding of others.
Recognizing the historic, national and spiritual significance of the State of Israel, Bruriah students develop an attachment to Israel and its people as well as a sense of shared responsibility and destiny. Bruriah practices a merit-based admissions policy, seeking motivated students looking to be challenged intellectually and inspired spiritually in a vibrant environment, and who will contribute positively to our school family and culture.