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Academic Overview

Our superior academic program in both Judaic and General studies provides students with an incredible foundation. We have created a culture where every student has the support she needs to maximize her potential and achieve her goals. Our girls learn essential 21st century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.  


6th Grade
Known as the transition year, our 6th graders experience many changes to their learning environment. Teachers work systematically to ensure that the girls master the skills of note-taking as well as studying. Tanach classes bring the incredible stories of Sefer Shmot and Shmuel Alef alive through in-depth learning as well as collaborative activities. Our main focus in Halacha is the 39 Melachot where our students delve into the background and intricacies of the laws. A creative scrapbook helps concretize the learning.  United States history lessons take the students back in time from Westward Expansion through the Civil War. Our reading curriculum is connected with topics we learn in history, allowing the students to read a variety of fiction, historical fiction, and non-fiction novels.   Through the Bat Mitzvah program and writing curriculum, our girls learn about their roots by researching and writing about their family heritage. Our STEM program encourages students to be hands on and find solutions to problems. Math skills are taught through interactive lessons focusing on concepts that build knowledge for pre-Algebra.  Responsibility and organization are taught throughout all of our classes, however a special emphasis of these skills is made during our Tech classes. Learning how to use google apps effectively helps our students integrate what they learn in the classroom into their daily lives. 


7th Grade
There is a lot of learning and growth taking place  in our 7th grade classroom. The girls explore topics in Bamdibar as well as cover much of Shmuel Bet. Group projects, student centers, and real life scenarios are a big component of the learning experience. Hebrew language skills are strengthened as the girls learn to effectively communicate in Ivrit. The Halacha curriculum covers mitzvot and values that are relevant to daily life. The girls enjoy Torah Live videos as well as hands-on projects which concretize the learning. Student choice, creativity, and critical thinking are fundamentals in our 7th grade Parsha class as the girls grow in their textual and analytical skills. In English, the girls reinforce their vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills when writing various essays and short stories.  They enjoy several novels from different genres while developing their analytical skills. Math lessons focus on basic Algebraic equations, fractions, decimals, and integers. Students apply concepts learned to everyday life situations. A study on specific topics in American History along with geography skills allow our students to read and analyze primary and secondary sources. Students acquire knowledge in physical science through an inquiry based approach. They learn how to successfully gather, record and interpret information. Our STEM program creates an environment for students to become effective team players while applying concepts learned in the classroom to STEM projects. Computer Science lessons introduce new skills and design options to help reinforce what is learned in the classroom.  


8th Grade
The 8th grade year is a very busy one. Creating a yearbook, participating in the “Big Sister” leadership program, and partaking in the Law Adventure competition are just a few examples of opportunities which are specific to the 8th graders. The level of learning reflects the stage that the girls are at. Hebrew textual skills and analytical thinking skills are strengthened as the classes learn Sefer Devarim in Chumash and Melachim Alef in Navi. Projects focusing on the rulership of Shlomo Hamelech as well as the division of kingship make the stories of our ancestors come alive. A lot of attention is given to Hebrew as a spoken language, and the girls reach levels of proficiency in communicating in Ivrit.  Our students grow in their knowledge of Jewish laws and customs by learning about the details relating to Mitzvot between man and Hashem such as kosher kitchen and Hafrashat Challah. Interactive Parsha classes encourage the girls to understand the basic concepts of the Parsha and to ultimately integrate the lessons from the Torah into their own lives. Through a variety of novels and short stories, our 8th grade English classes reinforce the literary elements of a story. The girls use the writing process to focus on creative and formal writing. Our math lessons focus on solidifying skills to help the girls tackle 9th grade Algebra with confidence. An introduction to World History provides the girls with an understanding of ancient civilizations and its connection to Jewish History. During our Life Science and lab lessons, our students learn how to record and interpret information. At the end of 8th grade, our students have a better understanding of how the concepts of life science relate to everyday life. The STEM curriculum teaches students to be creative and find solutions to everyday problems.  


The JEC Lower School

330 Elmora Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
(908) 355-4850 x 6198


The JEC High School

330 Elmora Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
(908) 355-4850 x 6197

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35 North Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07208
(908) 280-6400

© 2020 by The Jewish Educational Center

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